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  • Just Cause 4 Offers Players More Possibilities

    Temps: Jan. 9, 2019

    It was a pleasant surprise that Just Cause 4 Steam CD Key was introduced earlier this year.

    First, it's easier to connect to the Square Enix editor's account in the game's menu. Continuing with the story in Just Cause 3, he plays a well-known character, Rico Rodríguez, who is now in a fictional city called Sudis, in South America.

    Solis consists of four bios, each with lots of land and wildlife to discover. It also includes more weather effects such as sandstorms, tornadoes and lightning that players have to navigate.

    In their search for answers about their father, Rico and other characters in the game develop a resistance against Black Hand, a private army linked to the dictators of their previous encounters.

    Another important improvement in Just Cause 4 is the grappling hook. In addition to connecting two elements together, players can now attach the claw to balloons and rocket boosters with three levels of intensity: low, medium and high. The combination of different intensity settings offers you innumerable possibilities.

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