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  • Battlefield V Has Some Problems!

    Temps: Jan. 8, 2019

    After a brief delay, Battlefield V Origin CD Key managed to publish it before the end of 2018, and it is fun to play it even if it is scammed by the publisher Electronic Arts.

    A year later, the impressive Star Wars: Battlefront 2. A year later, Battlefield V, a game that lacks key content and a game that requires a significant amount of updates to run, as well as previous Battleground games.

    When we saw BFV about the developers for the first time, the day before the public incident, they told us some useful features that do not exist in the game. For example, the ability to save defeated allies. It is not in the game. There are not many customization options for characters and vehicles.

    The combined cooperative mode is also missing in the game, as is Firestorm Battle Royale, which is already disappointing on paper, as it supports fewer players than other popular Battle Royale games.

    We like to play Battlefield V Origin CD Key and, if it works, it works very well, better than most other shooters on the market. It works better and looks more impressive than any other important FPS title, but it has flaws and many small bugs and interface issues that did not exist inexplicably in previous BF titles.

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