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  • The Sims 4: Get Famous and What are the Differences

    Temps: Dec. 28, 2018

    The acting career is available in Sims 3: Late Night in the actors branch of the film career. This race is still the key to success in The Sims 4 Get Famous DLC Key Global.

    And now the differences:

    1. The probabilities

    With your Sims, new feelings and phases can happen and can change their lives. You can develop the habit of "not touching" or becoming dependent on something like phone calls or juice. It is a very personalized version.

    2. Access points

    In the new versions of Sims, "Celebrity Homes" is a new feature. It appears in Celebrity House Tours and can only be visited by famous Sims.

    3. Active players

    To increase popularity or increase your acting career, your Sim must join and audition agencies. The process of practice and repetition is an important part.

    4. Production of media

    The Sims 4: Get Famous presents the capability of "Media Production". Electronic devices such as the video station, which can record, edit and download videos on the Internet, can earn money through an online career.

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