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  • The Deep Freeze Bundle is now available to some Fortnite players

    Temps: Nov. 27, 2018

    Fortnite Battle Royale Deep Freeze Bundle Xbox One Digital Code Global is now available for console players in some areas.


    Players in Australia and Europe said they could see the package for $ 45 or $ 29.99 in the game. PlayStation online stores in New Zealand, Australia and the United Kingdom have also made the package available today. Other PlayStation stores around the world, including the United States, have not yet released the package.



    Deep Freeze came out on November 16 with the first release of Fortnite for the consumer: Battle Royale for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch. This seems to be a first version of the developer Fortnite Epic Games for console players.



    The bundle will be offered to players who buy this version, since Battle Royale is free on all platforms. 1,000 V-Bucks, the Frostbit suit, the freezing point, the Chillax selection and the cold front umbrella.



    It was not clear if players who did not buy the commercial version could get the Deep Freeze package, but obviously they are paid for the same price. Players who can already see the game in the game have indicated that it was in the tab of the V-Bucks Store, with the initial package "Summit Striker" newly added.


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