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  • Red Dead Redemption 2 released update 1.04 and fixed some problems

    Temps: Dec. 12, 2018

    Rockstar Games has released a patch for Red Dead Redemption 2 Ultimate Edition Xbox One Key Global that also fixes problems related to Red Dead Online.

    Red Dead Redemption 2 and the update of the title Red Dead Online 1.04 have been implemented and solve several cases in which players are blocked by 90% when loading RDR2, the appearances of Scrawny Nag in RDO, blockades, attacks and other problems.

    Fixed a problem that could block the player to 90% by loading an automatic backup created immediately after the Country Search mission if it was the only open mission.

    Fixed a problem that could cause players to lock onto the Load screen after the County Pursuits mission ended at the end of the game.

    Fixed a problem that could block players up to 90% by loading a Chapter 2 memory if they had established a camp near Horseshoe Overlook after completing The First Will Last Last.

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