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  • Far Cry: New Dawn is the post-apocalyptic sequel to Far Cry 5

    Temps: Jan. 3, 2019

    After a first teaser, Ubisoft officially announced Far Cry: New Dawn at the Game Awards. He reissues the first-person shooter franchise by moving Far Cry's story 5 years later to an apocalyptic world after nuclear weapons.

    The world of Hope County has changed a lot since Far Cry 5 Uplay CD Key EU. The nature of improvised weapons, colorful spray paint and frozen material more reminiscent of the carefree tone of games like the next Rage 2 than the grumpy world of the previous game.

    The image on the cover of New Dawn shows a landscape similar to the cover of Far Cry 5s, accompanied by a man tied to a car in ruins that seems to be Joseph Seed, the evil cult of the final game, accompanied by two new characters. It is known that the twins are the leaders of a band of street thieves who do not seem very happy with him.

    For fans of the series, the new set should not be a total surprise: after summarizing Polygon (and um, spoiler), the "good" ending of Far Cry 5 ends with the ruthless Joseph Seed destroying a nuclear bomb and destroying the Hope county.

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