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  • Fallout 76 Players Found a Secret Developer Room

    Temps: Jan. 14, 2019

    Today a new report has just come out: players use the flaws to access a hidden developer space in the Fallout 76 Bethesda Key. Once inside, they steal objects and paints and sell to others.

    In the developer room, there are plans for each element of the game, including some elements that should appear in future updates. Bethesda has promised important changes in the game this year, including the players. The reports of the existence of space only appeared a few days ago and some players have known it for several weeks.

    Later, Bethesda published a publication on Reddit that indicated that the accounts of players entering the area were prohibited. Bethesda specifically listed the colors, plans and elements excluded from the trade. The list includes knight, knight sergeant, knight captain, officer, paladin, sentinel, elder, atom cat, military, winterized, marine combat helmet, and hunter's hood.

    Bethesda pointed out that the thread list would be updated here when adding new elements. It is interesting to note that the only NPC in the game called Wooby, are also lounging around inside. The NPC does nothing and seems to have no other purpose than to be shot up by the weapons of the room when a developer wants to try something.

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