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  • Battlefield V's First Expansion - Overture - Romantic War Depiction

    Temps: Dec. 6, 2018

    Overture, the first restart of Battlefield V Origin CD Key, released today after an initial delay. The expansion brings the game to life with new stories and massive tank-based multiplayer battles.

    The opening focuses mainly on combat vehicles, especially tanks. While the lesser-known battles were highlighted in the initial selection of Battlefield V Origin CD Key maps, Overture offers a different kind of experience. Vehicle fights and massive environments have always been one of the main selling points of the series.

    This first expansion manages to use this nuclear energy for something you can not find anywhere else, not even in the previous Battlefield games. In the best of cases, the result is explosive and surprising to play. In the worst case, his romantic portrayal of the war paints a sweet portrait of the greatest villains in history.

    This operation is followed by a crew of the German tank of tigers during the last days of the war. While US troops continue to advance in Germany, innumerable Wehrmacht soldiers are pushing the front lines into an almost suicidal battle.

    The mission is largely dedicated to the formidable and deadly Tiger tank, historically known for its ability to support armored vehicles such as the Sherman tank. The first parts of the campaign seem an unstoppable impulse through the enemy lines.

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